Thursday, August 12, 2010

Can You Do It?

Friday of last week.

Phone rings
Me - "Ya"
Boss - "Hey we are moving some staff around today."
Me - "Oh... ok.  My staff?"
Boss - "Oh no. Some people at the other office. So can you set that up and get the plan ready and do the paperwork?"
Me - "Does... my replacement need help?"
Boss - "I didn't ask. I want you to do it."
Me - "Well I can try but I am now doing this job. I don't even have access to some of the tools."
Boss - "clickity click click clickty click"  (He is typing.)
Me - "Hello?"

Boss - "Ya so we are hoping to get those done by Tuesday so lets try to get it started today and see if we need to hire movers. I am emailing HR."  Clickity click, click clickity.
Me - "Ok. I will tell the replacement."
Boss stops typing - "Can you do it?"
Me - "I am... ya ok."
Boss - "K thanks. Also the lights are burned out in the office on the 4th floor."
Me - "... ok"
That is the floor... my replacement sits on.

Office Quickie: Smoke Break

Yesterday I find one of my employees taking a smoke break...but it's not break time.

Me - "Uhm. Was your break late?"
Employee - "No, why?"
Me - "Well we are swamped and the other office is getting calls."
Employee - "Oh, the phones weren't ringing."
Me - "That's because people were ON them!"