Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Brighter Than the Sun

I am walking to lunch. Its time to eat and my brain is on a burrito.
I come down the stairs. The boss is heading up the stairs
Boss - "Do you have a minute?"
Me - "Oh sure"

We walk up 3 flights of stairs to the conference room. He points at the conference projector.
Boss - "It's not super bright."
Me - "We don't have shades on the room, remember that's what I asked for but you said no."
Boss - "Ya but I thought the projector would be brighter."
Me - "I can get some shades"
Boss - "Can you look into a different projector...?"
Me - "..."
Boss - "because it should be brighter."
Me - "It can't beat the sun..."
Boss - "Oh I know but see if you can get a newer one."
Mind you this is less than 6 months old.
Me - "I don't agree with it but sure."
Boss - "Ok thanks."

I go and eat my lunch.
The cell rings.
Boss - "Did you order a projector yet."
Me - "I am at lunch. That's why I was outside when you stopped me."
Boss - "So...if you haven't then don't. Why don't we get blinds that would be cheaper and-"

I hung up.

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