Monday, October 18, 2010

Please Hold

We had a major project and a crap ton of calls coming in. So I jump on to help the customer service reps.

I get an IM from a boss. "Hey let's touch base after this next call."
The call lasts 20 minutes. I IM them back, "Sorry you still want to touch base?"
Boss - "No it's fine."

20 calls later I get an email.
"Lets touch base."

I get off the phone and walk into boss's office. "What's up?"
Boss - "We busy today?"
Me - "Ya. The project emails went out."
Boss - "Oh ya."
Me - "So what did you need?"
Boss - "Oh just wondering why we were so busy."
Me - "Ah. Ok then. Well I will get back on calls then."
Boss - "Has the email impacted calls?"
Now I stop here. What the hell kind of drugs is this person taking?
Me - "Yes. More calls."
Boss - "Ok well if you need anyone on phones get them asap."

It gets busier so I put a couple more people on phones per our plan . I have been answering calls for 4 hours and I need to pee.
I come back and the incoming call queue is at 40...40! Up from like 12.
I have an IM from my boss. "Hey I noticed 2 other people were on phones. I pulled them off. I couldn't figure out why they were on. IM me if you need them back on!"

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