Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Can You Hear Me Now?

I get an IM from someone.
Me - "I am busy let me get back to you."
Coworker - "k"
30 seconds later an email from same person - "Hey do you have a second?"
Me - "Give me a bit. I will get back to you."
Email comes back - "k"

No shit. One minute later my phone rings. Her number comes up. Well maybe its important than.
Me - "What's up?"
Employee - "Do you have a sec?"
Me - "Sorry I thought you might have seen the IM or email. I am swamped can I get back to you?"
Employee - "Sure"

Less than 3 minutes later an IM comes in. "Hey don't worry I took care of it."

I called them an hour later to ask what they needed.
Employee - "I wanted to know if my IM was coming through...?"
Me - "Didn't you... get my IM saying I was busy... and then answer it yourself."
Employee - "Ya."
Me - "So...?"
Employee - "Was it working?"
I hang up.

I am not sure what the FING F the person was trying to do but damn. Just damn.
How is that possible.

It ranks right up there with the employee asking me where the tinfoil was in the kitchen. When I showed them the drawer labeled TINFOIL they said. "Oh I meant plastic wrap."
I showed them the drawer labeled plastic wrap.
They said. "Oh I didn't know those labels were accurate."
Me - "Just open it and check."
Employee - "I didn't want to bother anyone."
Bother anyone... what? Its like translating Russian to sign language through someone who only knows Japanese.

My boss recently handed out bonus's and his exact words to me were. "I know its hard working in a funny farm but we appreciate it."
He has no idea.

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