Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pants are Overrated

Operations story from Jan 2008

One of our conference rooms is incredibly nice. Very decked out with tons of leather items and nice tables and so forth. A full restroom as well where people can come in after working out, biking to work, or so on and change their clothes.

After only one week I notice a strange... darkness on the tan leather couch. It just looks stained. Darker I guess.  I forget about it.
Two weeks later I notice it is worse. Then when I try to get closer to it I realize what... it is. Its an assmark.

So I wait in the morning for people.
I watch who comes in and out and notice one particular person who comes in every morning. I figure I will just ask them not to sit down with wet clothes.
This is what occurred.

Me: "Hey if your using that conference room make sure to always keep your wet clothes off the leather couch if you can."
Employee: "Oh I never sit on the couch with wet clothes."
Me: "Oh ok. I just noticed that it seems wet in the mornings when you bike in."
Employee: "Oh that's not from clothes. I come in 2 hours early and let my clothes dry and watch news."
Me: "Wait... your in them?"
Employee: "No I am hanging them."
Me: "Then... what are you doing?"
Employee: "I just sit down and watch tv."
Me: "With NO CLOTHES ON!?"
Employee: "No, I wear underwear."
Me: "ah..."
Employee: "Usually."

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