Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Ugly Chair

My boss called me this weekend:
Boss: "Can we find out if we can replace all the chairs at the office?"
Me: "Sure. I can work with my replacement. And see what they want to do?"
Boss: "Can you handle it?"
Me: "Well I can but I don't have purchase ability now, or even codes for purchases."
Boss: "Oh. Why?"
Me: "I don't do that job anymore. I just do my current one. That's what my replacement is supposed to do."
Boss: "Oh ok...I will call them. Sorry to bother you at home."
Me: "It's fine."

5pm tonight I get home from running.
Voice-message on my home phone: "Hey. I got your card data so you can replace all the chairs at work. I don't like them and I think they are bad. I counted them we need 84. Can you start on that on Tuesday? Thanks. Have a good weekend."

Second message: "Oh also lets keep this sort of hush hush for now. Buy them and replace them on Thanksgiving weekend when people are gone so they can not complain. I don't know if anyone else has an issue with them but me."

80+ chairs because they don't like the look.

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