Monday, November 8, 2010

Things I Overheard Last Week

Worker 1: "The sponges for washing dishes is dirty."
Worker 2: "Wash it out."
Worker 1: "I don't think that will work?"
Worker 2: "Just run water through it and wash it down with soap."
Worker 1: "What about my desk?"
Worker 2: "What about it?"
Worker 1: "It stinks now."
Worker 2: "Why?"
Worker 1: "I washed my desk off with the sponge."

Boss to employee
Boss: "Did you finish the project yesterday."
Employee: "Yep its done."
Boss: "Where is it?  I looked on the documents program and all I find is a table of contents."
Employee: "I thought that's what you wanted."
Boss: "No... I wouldn't have given you 3 days to do just a table of contents."
Employee: "Ya, it took me two days to do the table. I will need more if you want me to write the documents."
Boss: "Uhm... its only 12 different pages."
Employee: "It took me almost 4 hours just to pick a font."

I heard the boss as they just turned and walked away.

Worker 1: "How many drawers does your 3 drawer file have?"
Worker 2: "..."
Worker 1: "Did you hear me?"
Worker 2: "Yah..."

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